COM-KLIMA s.r.o..
Á.Jedlíka 4554
945 01 Komárno
Slovak Republik
Tel.: 00421 - 35 - 77 31 043
00421 - 35 - 77 33 845
00421 - 35 - 77 33 846
Fax: 00421 - 35 - 77 31 043
Email: info@comklima.sk
Due to market trends and frequent changes in prices, we are unable to continuously update product prices. Therefore, please use our site only to review the product range and specifications. Ask for our current prices via phone or e-mail.
Coupling (safe):TKCU-Cleaning cover,fits outsideTKCRU-Cleaning cover
Currency: HUF EUR SKK
Na objednávku
Prices do not include VAT.
Print version
Ød |
100 |
17,60 |
38,75 |
125 |
18,30 |
43,15 |
160 |
22,25 |
49,80 |
200 |
25,15 |
52,55 |
250 |
34,85 |
62,05 |
315 |
44,85 |
78,45 |
400 |
75,95 |
81,10 |